Shadow Work Phases of Moon From Darkness to Light - Healing Through Your mind and body are tuned for a revisit every now and again – Finetuning them comes with charting your journey at equal intervals. Prepare to delve deep and uncover the hidden aspects of yourself. Your journey begins now! Buy Now
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Shadow Work: Phases of Moon

Shadow Work: Phases of Moon, your companion on a transformative 21-day journaling journey. Journaling is more than just writing; it's a powerful form of therapy. By putting pen to paper, you can ``offload`` thoughts and emotions that might be difficult to express aloud. This process can foster healing and self-discovery, allowing you to set powerful intentions for your personal growth.
This journal is designed to guide you through 21 carefully crafted questions, one for each day, helping you to raise awareness, gain insights, and find relief. It’s based on the principle that it takes 21 days to form new habits. So, let's begin the habit of awareness, accountability, and healing, aiming to become better versions of ourselves. Think of this journal as a supportive diary, gently leading you through introspective questions that facilitate healing. This process, known as shadow work, will help you bring hidden emotions and experiences to the surface, where they can be addressed and transformed.
Reprogram Your Mind

21 Days to New Habits and Healing

Prepare to explore deep within yourself and uncover the hidden aspects of your psyche. Your journey begins now. Through the phases of the moon, from new beginnings to full illumination, you will witness your own growth and transformation.

Ready? Transform With Others